Gallery 2-A- Gardens of the Sky, Stars of the Sea
Welcome to Iblard! We would now like to guide you through some of the most notorious places in Iblard. We hope you enjoy your stay!
1. A Birds-eye view of Iblard
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..............We shall start with a birds eye view of Iblard. Looking down upon Iblard from the sky allows us to understand the geographical features of the many lands which exist in the counrty, many of which we shall focus upon throughout our journey.
Iblard is the country we see in the middle of the picture (we shall visit its many features in later pictures.)
..............To the north-west of Iblard is a water kingdom called "Suiteria." The people of this country are well-known for their exceptional skills in science and technology. The scientist of Suiteria often try to explain the unusual phenomena that occur in Iblard through scientific research, but hardly ever find answers to why such amazing things happen in Iblard.
..............To the north-east of Iblard is a mountainous country known as "Takatsungu." Many Laputa's dwell in this area and the country is also rich in Lapis Lazuli mines.
2. Borrowed garden
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..............This is one of the most beautiful views we have in Iblard. One thing that is hard to understand for foreigners is that perspective in Iblard is a bit abnormal. Far away towers can look much larger than they really are and near-bye towers look much smaller than in reality.
3. Station front
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..............We have now arrived at the main station in Iblard. It is sunset. As the soft colours of twilight fall upon the houses which surround the station, a soft wind blows to welcome us. Perhaps you have noticed how the plants in Iblard grow freely over and around buildings. Here nature lives in harmony with civilisation, and in some of the most beautiful ways.
4. Iblard
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..............We have now come to the central field in Iblard, located to the east of the city. The mountain which towers' in the distance is a notorious land mark of Iblard. Its curious shape makes us wonder whether it really is a natural mountain. Beautiful stones and fossils can often be found in the field. Thus this natural park is ideal for picnics and for visitors who want to see the rare clouds, laputas and planets that gather in this area..
5. Uchinada
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..............We have now arrived at the Terminus of this train line which is located near the sea of Iblard. In such places, access to Siema (special speed trains) can often be made through hidden passages.
6. Siema
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..............Here the Siema awaits its passengers. This curious train moves according to the will of its passengers. In fact many things in Iblard move or form according to the will of its people, we shall explore this subject more, further on in our journey.
7. The Star Balcony
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..............In a mountainous area near Takatsungu, people know how to move the stars and laputa's which float in Iblard. Some use special star model's or other magical powers which stimulates the movement of certain stars. Yet many say that stars carry qualities which are still unknown to us and even to the wizards of Iblard.
8. Sea-Snake fishing
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..............When certain stars choose to line up or gather in a given area, Iblarders often find unusual items or catch unusual things!
9. Island
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..............A beautiful cloud is known to always appear around this mysterious island. The road to the island is often decorated with miniature gifts for tourists and travellers to take home to their friends and family.
10. House by the sea
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..............This area has become a small sea-side park. In the old days, ships from other wondrous countries would come into the bay area , bringing wondrous goods and gifts to Iblard.
11. The Arcade
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..............This shopping area not only looks like a maze to new comers, but can often form into a labyrinth if one is not careful! Once you get used to it you get quite fond of it really. One tip for newcomers, when walking around any shopping area in Iblard, you shouldn't have too many problems while shopping, but when you want to go home, do not be determined to do so because if you do, the shopping area will sense it and be determined to have you stay! This is why staircases suddenly appear and disappear in Iblard and why doors are there at one moment but are gone in another.
12. Encounter with Megezo-
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..............Megezo- is a peculiar elephant-resembling fairy who appears from time to time in Iblard. People have many different opinions and feelings towards this curious fairy. for, although the creature appears to be harmless, some Iblarders fear the creature and its curious powers. According to legend, when a powerful magician or wizard encounters a Megezo- he is inclined to loose his powers or to loose all will of using them. Thus it can be dangerous for any kind of talented or powerful Iblarder to even see a Megezo.
13. Garden of old stars
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..............Out of the many stars which dwell in Iblard, many are decorated with exquisite gardens and parks. If you look closely upon floating stars or laputas, you may encounter ones which are covered in great forests, deep blue waters, and charming gardens. 'The Garden of old stars" is the best place to see some of Iblard's oldest stars and consequently, some of the most wondrous gardens and houses of the whole land.
14. Second throw
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..............A young girl throws her ball towards passing clouds. Perhaps her real goal is to reach the great laputa's which float beyond those clouds.
15. The little flower shed
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..............This small shed belongs to the gardener of this flower garden. The flower season has just begun, and this coming year should be a good one for the flowers which grow in Iblard.